
Naming Don't know what to name your venture? Brand naming

Ask for Help We can help!
Branding Branding +
Graphic design
Ask for Help Your enterprise needs more than just a pretty logo!
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Logo Design

A good logo makes your business stand out among the thousands of brands in the market. It can help increase visibility and recognition, as well as enhance credibility and foster customer loyalty.

These are some logos we have created.


Brand naming

We understand that finding the ideal name can be a significant challenge, yet it is a fundamental part of creating an effective brand. 


Don't know what to name your enterprise? We can help!


A brand is much more than a logo, and when we have our values, purpose, brand personality, and what truly makes us unique in the market clear, we can connect with our target audience.


And then, develop a visual identity that is consistent across all customer touch points.

Tarjetas Presentacion


Paquete Premium
Marca Esencial

I'm Alejandra


Alo Mercadeo's founder. I studied Advertising with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and also graphic design.


I am passionate about helping companies and professionals transform their products and services into powerful brands, thanks to my branding process.

Diseñadora Ale

We're digital nomads

We are Costa Ricans, and before the pandemic, my husband and adventure partner, Marcos, and I had a tourism business. However, due to the pandemic, we were forced to close it down.



For the past 4 years, we haven't had a fixed home. We sold everything we owned and embarked on a journey in search of adventures, new opportunities, and valuable lessons. 


This experience has allowed us to see the world from different perspectives and enrich our contribution to every project we undertake.



We believe

the world would be a happier place if more people could pursue their passions.


That's why we help them take one step closer to that goal.

Ilustración mujer

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